klotz: survey paper* + llm*

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  1. Resource-efficient LLMs and Multimodal Models

    A useful survey of resource-efficient LLMs and multimodal foundations models.

    Provides a comprehensive analysis and insights into ML efficiency research, including architectures, algorithms, and practical system designs and implementations.
  2. - Three Emergent Abilities for LLMs are In-Context Learning (ICL), Instruction Following & Step-By-Step Reasoning (CoT).
    - Key Practices related to LLMs are: Scaling, Training, Ability Eliciting, Alignment Tuning, Tools.
    - Adaption Of LLMs include: Instruction Tuning, Alignment Tuning, Memory-Efficient Model Adaptation, etc.
    - Prompt Engineering: In-Context Learning, Chain-Of-Thought, Planning.
    - ICL Prompt Engineering Implementations: KATE, EPR, SG-ICL, APE, Structured Prompting, GlobalE & LocalE.
    - CoT Prompt Engineering Implementations: Complex CoT, Auto-CoT, Selection-Inference, Self-consistency, DIVERSE, Rationale-augmented ensembles.
    - Planning Prompt Engineering Implementations: Least-to-most prompting, DECOMP, PS, Faithful CoT, PAL, HuggingGPT, AdaPlanner, TIP, RAP, ChatCoT, ReAct, Reflexion, Tree of Thoughts.
    2023-12-14 Tags: , by klotz

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